1. Safe Work Systems (Permit to Work)
2. OSH Awareness to Managers and Employees
3. Chemical Hazards and Safe Chemical Handling
4. Manual Handling & Ergonomics
5. Accident & Incident Investigation
6. Emergency Preparedness
7. Hazard Recognition
8. Malaysian Safety Acts and Regulations
9. Fire Fighting Standards and Requirements
10. Hazardous Chemicals Spill Control / Management
11. Behaviour Based Safety
12. Health and Safety Management in Industries / OHSMS
13. Lifting Equipment Safety
14. Globally Harmonized System
15. Chemical Packaging, Labelling and Safety datasheets
16. Root Cause Analysis
17. Introduction Industrial Hygiene
18. Design and Maintenance of Engineering Control Equipment
19. Roles and Responsibilities of Safety & Health Committee
20. Basic Machinery Safety
21. Confined Space Entry
22. Safe Work at Height
23. Office Safety
24. Hearing Conservation
25. Stress Management
26. Effective Use and Selection of PPE
27. Indoor Air Quality
28. Essence of Integrated Management Systems (ISM, QMS, EMS, OSHAS) for Management Excellence
29. HSEQS Cultural Transformation via Interdependence